Love Facebook Status

Thank you for giving me my life <3
I just wanna lay my head on somebody's lap and have them pet my hair till i fall asleep cuz that's the sweetest and most comforting thing.<3 <3
How messy it is…
Always stay in love <3 …
It's painful to see someone you love with someone else <\3
Tears are the last gift of true love <3
When a girl cries for a boy it simply means she misses him. When a boy cries for a girl, he loves her more than anyone ever could..
Sometimes you have to act like you don't care even if you do !
I'll be yours forever , just tell me when to start
its painful to imagine your love with someone else.
My Real Smile Comes when i am with you <3
Relationships end too soon cuz people stop putting the same effort to have you as they did to win you.
I Cried Today Not Because I Miss You Or Even Wanted You.... But Because I Realized I'm Gonna Be Alright Without You </3
How can i move on when i'm still in love with you.
Winter is useless for SINGLES :P
I don't regret meeting you ... I regret letting you in my heart only to have you break it <3 <3
Never Make anyone "Very Special" In ur Life.... . Because . Whn They "Change", U Don't "Hate" Them .. Instead U Start "HatinG" Urself...
Crushes are more beautiful than affairs because there is no responsibility, no worry, no commitment. Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot..
First Love is important.. [♥]
But Last Love is very very important.!! Because, First Love changes the Nature...And Last Love changes the Life..!!
I love when i wake up and the first text i see on my cell is yours <3
Tounge has no bones but still it is strong enough to break a heart <3
Today sumthing amazing happened ! Again !
He became mine ! and i became HIS ! Again !
If i say i love you , i really mean it <3
I can't dream my future without you ...
Its only you who can make laugh !